Monday, February 4, 2013

Love your weird. 
Stanley Baking Company keepin' it weird.

It’s a compliment. “I love your weird.” A lot.  And you should, too.
It’s a command. Do it. Love your weird.

So many folks follow statements about preferences, behaviors and the like with, “…yeah but I’m weird.”

And it’s true. We’re all weird.

But we’re not all weird in the same ways. And paying attention to your weird can be useful in figuring out those unique traits that only you can bring to the world. [Hint: This is huge if you’re wondering what your purpose is and how to tool that into a living, paid or otherwise.]

What’s my weird?
I’ve got a whole lot of weird on offer. One thing that’s “weird” about me is that I enjoy putting myself in uncomfortable situations. You know how it was really popular to call, “awkwaaard,” in uncomfortable situations? I like to walk into those situations.

Let me repeat. I like to put myself into these situations. I don’t focus on the “being” part. But I’ve noticed that if you just focus on putting yourself there, the being part takes care of itself.

And this is why I used to love Tuesdays.

Tuesdays aren’t inherently uncomfortable or awkward. 

Well, they weren’t before I instituted tutu Tuesdays*.  But last spring I donned a tutu every Tuesday. I put it on when I got dressed in the morning, and I didn’t take it off until I went to bed at night. I walked my dog in it around the neighborhood. I ran errands in it and went to the library book sale.

And I was surprised and pleased with the reactions I got. I confused people. And made them smile. And one guy even asked me if he could have his picture with me. I felt like a celebrity!

But what I really loved about tutu Tuesday, and all other uncomfortable situations I willingly enter into, is that it broke my routine. 

It invited adventure and spontaneity and invoked self-confidence. (It’s hard to pout in a tutu and it’s hard to walk with your head down, too!)

It’s important to note that these characteristics aren’t necessarily things I’d list as my strengths, but by changing my routine in this relatively simple way, I strengthened them. It was easier to act as if I’m the most spontaneous,adventurous, self-confident gal in the universe

And people seemed to think I was that way. The tutu speaks for itself. 

Bonus: Each time I took the tutu off, I found myself thinking I was more of all of those things, too.

Another uncomfortable situation I routinely subject myself to is travel. Anyone who’s traveled outside the U.S. (or even within!) knows that you’re uncomfortable pretty much all the time. The language, culture, food, customs, weather; it’s all different!

My “weird” has revealed to me that I’m flexible, curious, and value self-expression. It’s also been an integral part of the discovery-focused part of my path. I’m committed to finding out my ultimate purpose(s) and uncomfortable situations provide a lot of information to this end. They tell me what I’m good at, where my weaknesses are, and open opportunities that might not have been there if I played it safe.

What’s your weird?

*I wish I could credit the blogger who gave me this idea years ago, but I’ve forgotten her name and can’t find her even with the mad power of google.

1 comment:

  1. I had a ritual of sporting an afro every time I had a cross country race during my senior year of high school. Everyone loved it! I wonder what my new ritual should be. Hmmm . . .
